The drastic change in climatic conditions is a global concern for us. Globalization, urbanization, and above all, global warming, has severe effects on the climate. Because of these human activities, the world is suffering from the erratic behavior of the weather. On the one hand, the polar ice caps and glaciers are melting, and on the other, there is a rising heatwave. Even the seasonal characters are changing 180 degrees.
Untimely snowfall, super cyclones in the coastal areas covering the Bay of Bengal and Florida, the massive fire outbreak in the USA, melting of snow in Greenland, etc., are all outcomes of the charismatically changing global climate. The effects of climate change have a significant impact on the lives in these areas.
Millions of people become homeless because of the cyclones hitting the coastal areas worldwide. The increasing count of droughts has claimed numerous lives. A similar accusation can be laid on the fire outbreaks. In 2019, more than 5.4 million hectares of land burned away in Australia due to bush fire. A similar incident took place in the USA this year. It has destroyed hectares of land and forest and devasted the lives of people in those areas. Wildlife in those areas suffered in a million. Blazes engulfed the poor animals and wrecked their habitat. Nearly 60% of the Amazonian rainforest was fire-affected in 2019.
Countries like Bangladesh suffer in having from the wrath of super cyclones. Every year, we witness a striking increase in the water level of low lying countries. Nature has taken crude revenge on the lives of the impoverished people along the Bay of Bengal’s coastline.
While we discuss climate changes in our modern world, we must mention the polar cap melting because of global warming. Currently, the ice caps are melting 6-times than the melting rate in 1990. The IPCC or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientists say that the scenario of ice-loss in Antarctica and Greenland is worse than ever before. Nearly 6.4 trillion metric tons of ice has melted between 1992 to 2017. This has given rise to the sea level. The IPCC scientists predicted that the ocean water level would rise by 53cm by 2100.
Each of these side effects of climate change leaves peoples’ live scarred. Millions are suffering every day to cope up with the ill-effects of climate change. Many have become homeless; many suffered losses in business and agriculture. The world economy is suffering in total because of the drastic changes in nature.
Our Impact
Dream Lighter, along with other non-profit organizations and Governments, is taking the initiative in climate-proofing various countries. We are aiding the rural areas of third-world countries with infrastructural support. Our team of volunteers reaches out to remote locations with various aids like food, medical support, freshwater, etc.
We have created funds to assist the survivors of natural calamities in coping with the disasters and rebuilding their houses. Our team of volunteers has built rescue centers to accommodate the victims of cyclones. Here are providing them with food, water, daily essential amenities, toiletries, and protective gear regularly.
We are facing challenges to deal with the crowding in the shelter houses under the current covid-19 scenario. However, our team members are coping with such difficulties and providing help to distressed men wherever possible.
Join Hands With Us
The Dream Lighter team of volunteers are working tirelessly towards providing the climate change victim with various aids. However, we need more support from you to reach out to more people. We urge you to join hands with us. Donate or join our team of volunteers and help us secure more lives from the devastation of climate change or climate-proof the world.