The growth of global empowerment in every aspect and territory always had a direct involvement of women. They have ever played a significant role in the advancement of civilization. Throughout history, women have shown a tenacious mind, a resilient heart, and audacious willpower to emerge victorious in the harshest situations.
Women’s capability to overcome poverty, injustice, shock, and mistreatment is directly responsible for the flourishing of economic and socio-political scenarios. When it comes to achieving a goal, women have always shown their remarkable dedication, focus, and intensity that left a thorough impression in the world. When they realize their aims, whether those being an entrepreneur, the duties towards the family, or investment in education and career, they have always proved to be the pivotal being in everything.
Yet, despite all their efforts, their contribution to these developments has never been considered in an equal platform with that of men. Women continue to be the victim of patriarchal society. Starting with the wage gap, sexual harassment, women’s treatment as objects to the refusal of property ownership, financial independence, and personal choice – they did not cease to exist. They are denied having their own identity and forced to live under male domination.
Due to these several reasons, the members of Dream Lighter formed an organization that reaches out to the women, addresses their issues, helps them overcome the obstacles, and supports them in improving their lives. The objective of Dream Lighter’s Women of Wonders (WoW) program thrives on bringing out women’s talents and skills, their independent value and provides access to various economic resources. It also targets to demarcate the gender-biased problems. Here, women are encouraged to have confidence over themselves, build their future, and establish a community to connect and grow.
All women worldwide are inspired to join this organization and be a part of this delightful and revolutionary program. This program intends to create a better place for women not just to survive but also to live.
Women of Wonders (WoW)
Investing in women’s economic empowerment forms a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication, and economic growth, precisely what WoW (Women of Wonders) by Dream Lighter global organization has pledged to provide. There are countless reasons behind this initiative; however, the chances are very exclusive to bring these women forward without your help! To give the women of our society the richness of education and self-independence is the ultimate objective of WoW. This women’s empowerment program promotes skills building, self-esteem, permit to information & resources, and community action that put women in the position of confident decision-makers and authorities in their homes and communities.
Currently, the organization is working on the following locations – in Asia, the countries are India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Outside, some parts of Africa and in USA, New York. In the future, the team shall strive to expand the program over many other territories.
The program’s precise forging is to diminish the margin of the wage gap, sexual harassment, and women’s treatment as objects, denial of property ownership, domestic violence, financial independence, and many other things. With the assistance, members of this program gain public speaking ability and leadership experience, cultivating a greater sense of individuality within the group.
Globally, the WoW program wants to create a massive opportunity for less fortunate women in different scenarios. Through this endeavor, women would become more aware of maternal and health of child sanitation manners, which will make an enormous impact on their futures. Not only health care issues but women who want to change their situation and make a living for themselves, WoW is here to help.
Not a single country that is ignorant about women & children’s wellbeing is socio-economically empowered. Women have always been the pillar of strength & resilience, and plenty of instances show that economically empowered women in leadership roles can change the communities forever.
To conduct this program gracefully, the Dream Lighter global organization requests everyone, irrespective of gender, to come forward and unite from all over the globe. It doesn’t matter how you’re helping, but the fact you are helping these women who need it. This program’s only and pure intention is to create a better place for women to live a healthy and respectful life.
However, women worldwide are encouraged to join our philanthropic network and be a part of the family. Together, the goal is to empower, grow, and spread love.
Our Women Empowerment Activities Women Empowerment Activities
Women constitute nearly half of the civilization of the nation. Therefore, education for women
Counselling & Legal Aid
One of the scarce subjects to be discussed is women’s and children’s counseling & legal aid. Women
Leadership Development
Women are born leaders. However, the shortage of women in leadership isn’t just tragic
Health is the second most crucial thing after education, should not be neglected, especially in women
Help for Small Business
The Dream Lighter global organization’s humanitarian works do not intend to stop the awareness
Self-Defense Training
In several counties, where women’s degradation at all levels, including rape and violent attacks
Counselling & Legal Aid
One of the scarce subjects to be discussed is women’s and children’s counseling & legal aid. Women worldwide have been victims of sexual harassment and domestic violence daily, but who talks through it? There is minimal knowledge of legal rights and Government schemes constructed to help these women, amongst women. Most women are often unaware of their fundamental rights to healthcare and legitimate litigations with an incredibly low literacy rate.
The legal counseling by Dream Lighter global organization offers women of this kind the right guidance to aid and counsel and educate them on their access to Government welfare schemes. This whole procedure’s motive is to provide these women a voice for themselves and their children. This is the women empowerment we are looking forward to, aren’t we?
Practically, the concept of being unaware and inaccessible to civilization’s fundamental rights is a humiliation for women worldwide. But, to overcome this situation, we need more people to come forward and talk about these issues. Making every woman aware of her birthrights is the WoW program’s objective by Dream Lighter global organization. Thus, we ardently request you to step ahead and join us on this voyage.
Help for Small Business
The Dream Lighter global organization’s humanitarian works do not intend to stop the awareness of education, health & legal aid for women, and make them self-reliant and create a room for their establishment. Even for our society’s privileged women, there has been a constant degradation of gender equality and an unequal paycheck. For ages, many women are suffering and trying to be vocal about these issues. However, to marginalize the amount of mistreatment towards women’s employment, WoW will be opening government schemes, specially made for less-privileged women.
With the help of the Dream Lighter global organization members, women from different parts of the country, these women can become self-dependent and get the right direction for launching their small businesses. The whole world consists of talented women, whether they belong from an upper-class family or the outskirts, but sadly, there is not much exposure for these women to nourish their talents and make a living out of it.
To make their situation more stable, be a part of this journey, and together, we will let them know their vast opportunities to flourish and help them grow their businesses. This way, more or less, every household will have bread & butter and a healthier lifestyle, which then converts into a dependable community.
Leadership Development
Women are born leaders. However, the shortage of women in leadership isn’t just tragic; it’s bad business. Although women are joining the workforce at an increased rate than men, they’re considerably under-represented in organizations’ upper grades. Companies with more women executives see a much higher return on Equity, a higher return on Invested Capital, and a higher return on Sales. Thus, we, as an NGO, can’t think of a more critical investment strategy.
The WoW program hence provides entrepreneurial and vocational skills exercise in tailoring, functional literacy, and the leadership skills required for impoverished, unemployed young girls and women to become self-reliant. The Dream Lighter global organization will be providing them with the needed tools and direction to help them start their businesses.
The need for leadership development among women is a fundamental step towards a robust socio-economic country, but sadly, most countries are oblivious of the fact. Hence, it becomes our utmost duty to educate women all over the globe about their strength and inherent talent of leading an independent or co-dependent organization. Women should always know what they are capable of achieving!
Self-Defense Training
In several counties, where women’s degradation at all levels, including rape and violent attacks, has become the culture, self-defense training is necessary. It is no surprise for women these days to feel harassed or molested randomly; in these situations, self-defense is the only thing that can save them.
With the help of the WoW program, women would have the very best understanding of the viable tactics and solutions required to deal with both social assault and asocial violence. Proficiency in these situations will authorize them to de-escalate when de-escalation is reasonable, fight back when it is their best, and only pick.
This program further encourages the less privileged women to send their children to school instead of working for long hours. This situation also teaches them life skills to handle difficult situations.
Before You Go
Changing every worst scenario regarding women’s education, health, legal rights, employment, and every other small aspect, Dream Lighter global organization requests each of you to join them. Seeing the substantial change in this territory is not one person’s job; it is a team effort that can be fruitful with the proper assistance of each person willing to help. So, come along and be an ally!